Welcome to the Golden Gate Smooth Dancers!

If you're looking for a fun and relaxed atmosphere and enjoy dancing in a social setting, come to one of our Sunday dances. There, you will have the opportunity to take a free lesson from a local professional instructor, followed by 4 hours of dancing on a spacious floor. We also serve a 3 course dinner to help you refuel after all the fun you'll have dancing the afternoon away!

Check out our Calendar to see the date of our next dance.

Hope to see you there!

Dan Ansaldi
President - Golden Gate Smooth Dancers
2012 Golden Gate Chapter List of Officers
Elected Oficers:

President - Dan Ansaldi

Vice President - Rita Parma

Treasurer - Joe Malta

Recording Secretary - Sue Robinson

Corresponding Secretary - Barbara Crawford

Social Chair - Maurine Brown

Queen - Liz Talmadge

Board of Directors:

Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Social Chair
Board Liaison

Appointed Officers:

Parliamentarian - Gordon Robinson

Board Liaison: Phil Brown

Sergeant-At-Arms - Les Lin

Editor - Gabrielle von Stephens

Dance Rules - Igor Tilinin

Historian, Special Occasions - Rita Steed

Custodian - Joe Malta

Music - Joe Malta

Assistent Treasurer - Elena Malta

Web Director: Mihaela Robb

Beverage Master: Chuck Talmadge

Special Events Photographer: Vlad Gites

Enjoy dancing together with the Golden Gate Dancers!

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